Humancloudz Indonesia (web)

Human Cloudz Indonesia is an application that can be used to manage various company employee data such as salary, absence, overtime, scheduling, assignment, tax, and various other data.

The system we create can be adjusted to various labor regulations and laws so that it provides accurate calculation results and data.

The appearance of the Humancloudz Indonesia landing page seems stiff and not up-to-date, so it is still less than optimal in presenting the user experience.

To improve the UI/UX on the Humancloudz Indonesia website, we made improvements by redesigning the appearance of

  • Header (logo, menu, dan opsi bahasa)
  • Hero Section
  • About
  • Our Feature
  • Highlight Feature
  • Pricing Plan
  • Client List (SocialProof)
  • Call to Action for Download App
  • Testimonial
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